And I’m back!

From outer space! Well, not really. Marathon training really sucked up my time and energy the last few months. I’ve ran 686 miles since I started in mid-July, including three 20+ mile long runs. As a slowish runner, averaging between 11:00 to 12:00 miles, that’s a lot of hours on the road!

I’ve trained mostly in my hilly neighborhood, with longer runs being on the Mission Trail starting at the Pearl Brewery area and working my way south. If you’re ever in San Antonio, I can’t talk enough about how great this trail is. Water fountains and bathrooms every mile or so at the parks that line the trail. Its beautiful and well maintained.

I’m in the taper time for the Route 66 Marathon now. Only 16 days away! I have to admit I’m really nervous. My last two marathons, my knees stopped bending at around mile 15. The last few miles were a limping struggle. I think where I failed in these previous marathons was two things. First, I didnt taper at all. The race was one week after Thanksgiving, and three weeks after my big conference of the year. Instead of tapering correctly, I didn’t run those three weeks and it really hurt me in the long run. This time I’m following the taper schedule!! Plus, my conference this year was a month earlier, and I continued to train while I was in Chicago.

Secondly, I lift now. Weak hips definitely contributed to my knee problems and I had a lot of imbalances after training. Lots of squats, lunges, and deadlifts every week.

There is also the thoughts about what I want this blog to be. I have about four posts in the draft from races I did in May/July. I’d love to do more race reviews! However, there are some great bloggers in my area already that can cover that way better than I can. They go to so much more! More about training? I’m not certified in any way to be giving advice to others. I can only read, assimilate, and regurgitate what I’ve learned. I started this blog to talk about running! What do you want to hear about? Products I use? Events I go to? The knot in my glute that WONT GO AWAY!? Let me know!

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